The ecological basis and background of our coral reef restoration project in Nusa Penida

Over the last 2 years we have been working at restoring an area of coral reef on the northern coastline of Nusa Penida. The project is led by marine biologist Andrew Taylor who is a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner and director of Blue Corner Marine Research. Together with his team of students, volunteers and ocean warriors they have been restoring an area of degraded coral reef measuring 200m x 20m.

The following video outlines the coral reef restoration project as well as describes the scientific principles which the project is based upon.

  1. Restoration Site Description

  2. Highlighting a Need for Restoration

  3. Developing a Restoration Plan

  4. Structural Reef Restoration

  5. Biological Restoration of the Coral Reef Community

  6. Monitoring the Restoration Site